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Klorophil's Kill Teams

Klorophil's Kill Teams

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Assembling the Genestealer Cult Neophyte Hybrids. 9-09-2018

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 4
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And I continue getting the Starter Box done. Here are the Genestealers. I glued them like I think I would like to play them, but I haven’t played a game yet. Just hope I didn’t do a big booboo like with the buildings.

Those are some of the easiest minis I ever assembled and the choice of poses and weapons is simply astonishing. I always thought GW stuff was expensive, but I must retract my previous acidic comments, this is awesome stuff. If everything is like that I don’t mind paying extra.

I’ll lay off the glueing for a bit, it’s getting to my head.

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