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PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

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Adding a Bit of Greenery

Tutoring 11
Skill 14
Idea 12

Starting some new stuff for Gangs of Rome and that’s Planters. If it’s rainy so no spraying so it’s dirt time. The planters are an mdf kit from Sarissa and they are for Gangs of Rome but easily be useful for other periods and games too, I am thinking of Blood and Plunder around a posh house or market square, 1938 A Very British Civil War or The Walking Dead, if the fact the list goes on.

I have used Citadel textured paints, Martian Ironcrust, Agrellan Earth and Agrellan Badland as I love these paints and I dont know of anyone other company doing paints like these.

Adding a Bit of Greenery

The few planter boxes are finished just waiting plants to go into them. I painted the planters with Vallejo Model Colour Brunt Umber as the base colour and then I drybrushed Vallejo Model Colour Flat Brown and highlighted it with Vallejo Model Colour Medium Fleshtone. Then I applied a wash of Vallejo Model Colour Smoke to it and did a weathering, a drybrush of Vallejo Model Colour German Camo Pale Brown.

The soil was simply Vallejo Model Colour German Camo Dark Black Brown, drybrush of Vallejo Model Colour Flat Earth, a highlight of Vallejo Model Colour US Tan Earth and a final highlight of Vallejo Model Colour Iraqi Sand.

Adding a Bit of Greenery

This is the finished test planter with a cheap plastic tree, the type you get from China and I have added two types of leaves from Noch to make it will more realistic. I am happy with the results

Next test was to add plants to the planters and for this I went with the plastic aquarium plants and topiary balls you can get. Simply cut the size you want, I went for single and double rows and drilled holes into the planter base and placed the plants in them.

Before placing the plants to the base I painted them, I either drybrush them with Vallejo Model Colour Japanese Uniform and highlighted with Vallejo Model Colour German Yellow and washed them with Army Painter Med Tone wash or I used Vallejo Model Colour Green Wash.

To create the cherry/apple tree I simply did the same to the other trees and added for red flock to give the feel of cherries.

Once I fixed them all in place I sprayed the hair spray first to fix the Noch leaves and flock and wash that was dry I sprayed matt varnish to them to make them look less plastic.

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Cult of Games Member

They look really good

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