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A Tank Called Coleraine

A Tank Called Coleraine

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Dry-brushing the highlights

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 3

Had to slow down a bit because of life ‘stuff’, but managed to get a couple of hours in today.

Started to dry brush up the highlights to tone down the dark look that the wash caused. After pondering a few different colours I settled on Vallejo Panzer Aces Afrika Korps Tankcrew for the colour. A little ironic, I suppose, but it’s a nice lighter green with a grey tint that lifts the base colour back towards the green from the brown of the wash.

To test paint ideas ‘in situ’ on the model I’m painting, I paint the underside of the vehicle the same as the top so I can try out paint ideas without ruining the upper scheme, (that’s the theory anyway, but I still have plenty of blunders with colours and techniques, that’s what you get for always wanting to experiment instead of choosing one way and sticking to it).

'Cork' before and 'Cavan' after dry-brushing, the lighter green brings out the raised detail and helps to bring the colour back towards the required khaki green.'Cork' before and 'Cavan' after dry-brushing, the lighter green brings out the raised detail and helps to bring the colour back towards the required khaki green.
All three after dry-brushingAll three after dry-brushing

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Cult of Games Member

Epic work! I always love British tanks, they have such better markings than most American tanks.

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