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Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

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The First Session

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 10
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For their first session, I took the group to a tavern called The Laughing Lamia in Emon, the mighty city that proves to be the focus of many an adventure in Critical Role.

I explained it as if the group had been together on an adventure already and just come back from killing some Goblins and looting their gold. Suddenly, a Wizard from the Alabaster Lyceum burst into the tavern and asked for their help, noting their success in their endeavours outside of the city.

The First Session

I have my old 4th Edition DM Screen up there but it would be neat to get my hands on the 5th Edition one soon. Elder Scrolls was also a great soundtrack to their general exploration whereas The Witcher is still my go-to fight music.

After accepting the Wizard’s quest they headed off for his tower and were let into the premises. He had told them that a teleporation spell had gone wrong and he had instead opened a rift to another place entirely. A band of Kobolds now were running around the place, ruining his sanctum!

They found themselves locked inside his tower and facing his warm and comforting looking study.

Unfortunately, the Animated Armour that served as Alonius Pallum’s (The Wizard) guardian had other ideas and even though they uttered the words to command him a dark force overtook his form and fought them alongside his Flying Axe!

The First Session

After defeating the Guardian they found the portal to the next floor intact and went through it to find themselves in the chaos of a full-on Kobold invasion!

The First Session

This encounter saw four Kobolds, two Winged Kobolds and a Kobold Inventor running amok amongst Pallus’ experiments.

They had a lot of fun with this encounter and I rolled so many 1’s that it was seriously like I was cursed!

Mundo the Rogue also managed to pilfer some of the leftover goodies from the body of the Kobold Inventor at the end of the encounter so it will be interesting to see what he does next with those…

The next encounter saw them find their way to the Vault of Pallus’ tower. Stuffing the floating eye that Pallus had sent with them into a bag they went about pilfering some gold from his stash only to find themselves facing off against a Mimic!

The Mimic nearly killed the Rogue in one go but they were able to join forces against the creature and bring it down with some seriously good spell attacks from Arial and a Backstab from Mundo.

Kavalios was very much keeping everyone going at this point with healing and of course a dose of tanking!

The First Session

After defeating the Mimic they headed up to the next tower section. I, unfortunately, didn’t get a picture of this layout but they fought against a Spectator and two of his Kobold Cultists who had been summoned from the Underdark with him!

This was a close fight which left two of them very badly injured although they were able to cleanse the tower and head back to the tower.

Pallus was none the wiser for his little orb being stuffed into a bag and offered them some magical items as a reward for their trouble.

I then gave them three different options as to where they would like to go next. They could have worked for Gilmore’s Glorious Goods and retrieved some mushrooms, find out the source of some undead in a local village, or seek a monster in the sewers…

…they went with the job for Gilmore, so my next update is going to be about their adventures in some mushroom-filled caverns!

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