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Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

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Painting Their Characters!

Tutoring 1
Skill 8
Idea 9

As a little gift to each of my role-players I thought I’d paint them up a character each. So, I went online and snagged some of the WizKids Unpainted Models as well as a Tiefling (Hellborn Paladin) from the Reaper Bones collection.

We start off with Kavalios, and I will stress that I had about four days to paint all of these models during the evenings when they weren’t in so I was pressed for time!

Next up we have Knil Mundo the Gnome Rogue (the model is the Halfling Thief). I thought he turned out alright although I think I could have done a better job on the smoke bomb in his hands.

The third character was Arial, Becki’s Aasmiar. She came out quite well I think and although I had to resort to a lot of block colours I reckon that as a whole these heroes actually turned out ok for a rush job!

With a bit more time I think I would have tried to pick out more of the details from their outfits, but with a wash and such I think these have worked quite well.

I will most likely go over the wings for Arial again with a drybrush of grey just to make them look a little less ‘toy’ like but otherwise, I was happy with the outcome.

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Cult of Games Member

Painted figures for 1st level?. A death wish if ever I heard one

Cult of Games Member

Ohh they look good, Really like Kavalios, I’m a sucker for a shield though 😀


That’s a decent paint job and doesn’t look rushed at all. That being said, you could revisit them with snazzier paint jobs and or more impressive looking minis as they level up and reach campaign or character milestones.

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