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Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

Dungeons & Dragons Adventures With Ben

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Building The Characters

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 9
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Because two of my players were going to be veterans of Dungeons & Dragons I wanted to give them a chance to play characters that they could really get their teeth into and maybe try something different.

Shaun had played a lot of Barbarian types in games as well as Spellcasters so this was a perfect chance for him to do something different and build a Tiefling Paladin called Kavalios.

Building The Characters

He went with a Paladin of the Allfather from the Tal’Dorei setting and since he is now Level 3 (this is the sheet after one dungeon crawl) he also chose to go down the route of the Oath Of Vengeance.

My second player, Alec, runs with a lot of different characters but his first love has always been Rogues. So, he went with a Rogue of the Clasp (a background from Critical Role) and a Gnome to boot.

Building The Characters

Knil Mundo (the K is silent) is an Arcane Trickster Rogue and it has been fun seeing them get stuck into different builds than they would normally have pursued in games.

My final player, Becki, is the newbie of the group but she’s playing as an Aasimar Sorcerer called Arial.

Building The Characters

She is a big fan of spellcasting and loved the idea of being an avenging angel so she has taken Fallen Aasimar.

I forgot to mention that this party includes two ‘Evil’ characters which is something new, and they’re hanging around with a Paladin who is inherently Good so this might lead to some interesting encounters further down the road.

Because Becki isn’t particularly familiar with voices and full-on role-playing I made the first encounter much more of a dungeon crawl than I’d normally do, but it was fun balancing an encounter again and really exploring the maths behind making a story work as well as the narrative.

Next time we’ll look at a special gift I created for each of the players.

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Is that gift like as in, “gift”, like Boromir saying “it is a gift”. What I am saying is, should they be wary…

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