Elessar2590's Abrakhân Guard (LOTR)
Skin Painted
I’ve painted all of the skin (careful not to miss the face) with Games Workshop Cadian Flashtone.
It took two layers to get a proper coat and I decided to Paint the entire 30 Minis at once.
These guys hit like a ton of bricks. With Strength 4 and a Two handed Weapon they’re already in the top end of warriors when it comes to dishing out wounds but add Burly to that and the Abrakhan Guard are terrifying.
Plus since they’re armed with Swords any hero or high Fight Value Warriors should think twice before taking them on, with a +1 to Wound and re-rolling 1’s (thanks to Feint) they can dish out some serious punishment.
What’s you favourite update from the new Middle Earth Ruleset? Mine is all the slight changes to profiles such as Eowyn’s reaction the Theoden’s death or the way Gimli and Legolas work together.
I’ve not seen the rules, but having Gimli and Legolas being particularly effective together is a very nice touch.
Thanks for the comment. Basically if one has more kills than the other the person with less kills gets a bonus. Gimli get’s +1 to Wound and Legolas hits on a 2+