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PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

PanzerKaput's Gangs of Rome

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The Game from Last Night

Tutoring 1
Skill 10
Idea 9

Last night I had a 100 point game with four figures on each side. Now this is an average size game and wanted to use all the elements of Gangs of Rome in it and I have to say, wow, the game rocked.

The scenario wasn’t one that was in the book or from the downloads from the Gangs of Rome site but rather a simple scenario of racing to grab a prize and bringing it back to the centre of the board.

The actually story goes like this, the local Magistrate as a very pretty daughter and your Dominus wants to court favour with the politician. But as the Magistrate is an Equestrian he really doesn’t like dealing with the lower social orders, you think it would easier to court and influence his daughter to gain his favour. His daughter, Drusilla, has a liking for rare Gallic fruits and just so today there is a basket of them on the slavers store and your Dominus has requested that you get them and bring them to Drusilla with a message from your Dominus. However another gang from a rival Dominus has the same idea.

So the aim of the game to start at one of the table and race to the other, grab the prize and bring to the daughter, who is in the middle of the table in the urban villa and stop the other gang from doing so.

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panzerkaputGerry Recent comment authors
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saw this on facepage and was blown away. I’m still sure that I should trade the buildings with my unpainted ones though, so they can be improved on with more practice 😉
Great to see more of Rome. I really need to get my skates on with my own.

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