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Blood Rage Miniatures Painting

Blood Rage Miniatures Painting

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A little Frosty

Tutoring 3
Skill 8
Idea 4
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OK so I’m supposed to be finishing my Necromunda Goliath gang but he looked all lonely, after all his mountain brother got finished.  Basecoated, washed with a watered down blue wash for the skin then some highlights with the Base colour (vallejo heavy warm grey) , a little ishtar pink from scale 75 and some GW space wolves grey. The right side as you look at him is almost done, maybe a little more space wolves grey in the top highlights to give him a more ice glow but otherwise I’m happy with the direction.  Started with a little army painter red wash on the nose, mouth, elbows and knees.  I will try and get better photography but smart phone is all I have so I’ll do my best.  On a side note I tried using sand and ready made filler mixed for the base.  On the mountain giant I added paint and it set like rock, on this one I had no paint and it set hard but was very easy to rub off.  After applying some white paint it has now set hard but as a surprise bonus without paint it set less “bumpy” and actually looks a lot more like a hard snow pack.  The plan is to add powder snow over the top so I like the happy accident. ? 

Frost GiantFrost Giant

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