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40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***COMPLETED***

40k-Speedpainting-Challenge: A Battalion of Kasrkin in one Weekend ***COMPLETED***

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2023h: Matt varnished!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

Well, that was boring. And took longer than expected. But nevertheless here we are.

As said before I used Army Painter Anti Shine from the dropper bottle. But as this leaves the surfaces of models quite rough or raw I don’t use it pure. Don’t try to thin it with water. It immediately goes to some weird icying effect. Same if you put in on a wet palette. I just mix it 1:10 with GW ‘Ardcoat. This is a very strong Gloss Varnish and a single drop into 10 drops of anti shine has quite the effect. It is still a matt varnish, but not over the top and without the roughing up effect.

On some parts I like the roughing up. So i used pure Anit Shine on the scrolls on the psykers staff and the epaulettes and sash of the prime. The primes black sword stayed in gloss making it some kind of Obsidian. But take a look for yourself.

Matt varnished. Some models are still a bit wet.Matt varnished. Some models are still a bit wet.
Matted Sarge...Matted Sarge...
... and Hellgunner, oh I missed a spot on the boot, ...... and Hellgunner, oh I missed a spot on the boot, ...
and finally a Plasmagunner.and finally a Plasmagunner.
Lloyd shot of same Plasmagunner.Lloyd shot of same Plasmagunner.

Next up will be glow effects. Buttons, Lasersights are first. This should go fast.

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Actually i cannot say, if it was dipped or not. It is way to thin, or?
Overall the result is quite good.

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