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Oriskany's 28mm Long Range Desert Group

Oriskany's 28mm Long Range Desert Group

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Not going very well ...

Tutoring 12
Skill 9
Idea 9
Not going very well ...
Not going very well ...
Not going very well ...
Not going very well ...

Seriously considering dumping this project.  $130.00 in miniatures and priority overseas shipping to be all but ruined the first day I actually try to get started.

The primer coat went on like absolute pigs asshole.

Went to salvage it with an airbrush cover only to find the hose had been completely UPROOTED out of my air compressor, I had no idea when that happened.

Went to sand down the shit primer and try to salvage with hand painting, which didn’t really work.

All to make a boot camp date I don’t even know why I’m trying to meet.  I won’t be able to use these LRDG minis at the boot camp, and others are bringing LRDG minis anyway.  So what’s the point anymore?

Meanwhile I’ve lost a complete day of boot camp prep.

Now my camera is acting up with these shit photos.  In actuality the miniatures so far do look a LITTLE better than this, but not much.

I dunno.  I haven’t painted a miniature in about 9 months, I’m very quickly remembering why.

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oriskanycivilcourageJustinevilstuDamon Recent comment authors
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I’m sorry you’re not liking how it is going! However, It’s actually refreshing for someone to admit a project isn’t going well. I mean I’m positive it happens to everyone, but you rarely ever hear about it. (Though, to be honest, to my very untrained eye, I can’t find any flaws. Maybe because the pierces are so much larger, tiny flaws are easy to spot?) Either way, I think it would be neat for you to continue the project as a tutoring blog for how to “rescue” a project 🙂 It gives hope to the painters like Justin and myself… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Stay with it,we all have had a project fails , I have every confidence that you can rescue this

Cult of Games Member

Don’t panic Jim . I think my biggest expenditure in gaming is paint stripper

Cult of Games Member

Try giving them a brown wash. Will help raise the detail a bit and for me makes figures easier for painting and flattens the primer as well

Cult of Games Member

I don’t see anything that looks beyond help.
As @torros suggests, brown wash, then bring the base colours back with thin coats.
Is there a bit of ‘deadline looming’ that’s killing the fun? There’ll be plenty of boot camp laughs with or without a few more toy soldiers, we have to grognard the place up, with the number of history geeks attending we have a duty to all those rivets and buttons that need to be discussed (at length, with diagrams and a PowerPoint presentation)?
Seriously though mate, you have nothing to prove, shit happens.

Cult of Games Member

Sorry to hear that the project is not progressing well 🙁 is it worthwhile just taking a break for a few hours and doing something different and maybe seeing if you can work another way to approach things when you return to it? The primer isn’t really visible in the photos but could it maybe be incorporated to look line sunbleaching/weathering of the vehicles paintjob or similar?

Will keep my fingers crossed for a positive outcome regardless. Best of luck!


Did you use army painter primer on these? It looks like the same stuff i used on my DAK and it comes out REALLY thick (and then proceeded to flake off) so i feel your pain!

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