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Tim Prints Epic

Tim Prints Epic

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School run

Tutoring 1
Skill 9
Idea 5
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You gotta get that infantry moved safely somehow


School run
School run

Can’t say I immensely enjoy army painting half a dozen IFV’s like this but they be done. Though I do now realize I will probably need 3 more to transport the support squads and snipers I would like to attach to the formation.

next up probably my last mayor prints for this faction until I’ve painted more, I have printed 7 more Leman Russ tanks, including 4 mars pattern ones for variety. Luckily since my first tank prints Mkhand uploaded alternative designs for pretty much all russ turrets, including two alternative vanquisher turrets, so I replaced the old one with the big bell on the end with something a bit more reasonable.
Assuming I can get myself to paint all this I might end up printing 3 more hulls sans sponsons, for the conqueror and executioner variants (I think those are the ones) and some tank destroyer and thumper variants as well should I wish to play as a tank legion. But first let’s paint these 10!

School run

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Cult of Games Member

They look great Tim. Nice to see you on the Dominion Wars of Tusculum Nova page on Facebook as well

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