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Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

Foehammer's Kill Team: SpetzNob’s OrkerKommandos

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Ouz’n Charge!?!

Tutoring 4
Skill 16
Idea 18
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Spetz & Nob

So, had some inspiration yesterday for my killteam leader. Rather than having Spetznob Kommandos, I’d have SpetzNob’s Kommandos.

Enter Spetz & Nob, my kill team leader. Spetz (the Gretchen) will be the actual leader, who is carried into battle by Nob. Profile-wise they will just be a Kommando Boss Nob. I thought the idea interesting as

1) Kommandos are very sneaky, and thus un-Orky.  Much more like Gretchen.

2) The Blood Axe Clan are known for their organized, and thus in-Orky nature.

This is thus far mostly a fairly simple conversion. Base is a Nob fig with power Klaw, with a backpack from the Burna Kit, a gun scabbard turned into a large blade in the small of his back, and some night vision goggles made of plasticard tubes glued over his eyes.

the revolver was a bit more complicated, assembled slowly from a bunch of plasticard off-cuts. As most of his weapons were basically straight off the sprue, I wanted a suitably impressive looking Slugga for my Leader. Something to ensure “Da Boyz  Follow Orders”


i plan to raid my Bolt Action bits box when I get home to add some bits to Spetz to give him more Authoritae… maybe some binoculars and a suitably impressive hat.


Boom! Boom! Firepower

Next is my in-Process Heavy Specialist, as-yet unnamed. He’s a mostly off-the-sprue Loota. One thing I wanted to do was give him a gun with a little more historical inspiration. Thus, I hacked off the old gun barrels, and built some new ones out of plasticard tubing to look like WW2 German MG42 Barrels. Mostly the are square tubes with holes cut in the sides with a pin vice. I then added the flared nozzle to the end.

A tip for accurately drilling holes in plasticard – take the sharp tip of a hobby knife and make an indent where you want the hole. It ensures the pin vice drill bit doesn’t “walk” off-center as you start drilling the hole.

Birth of the “Mork ‘n Gork 4E2 (MG42) Kustom Deffgun”

His good sideHis good side

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Cult of Games Member

Very cool conversion work, and a cool concept for an Ork Boss as well.

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