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Scooby Doo The Miniatures Game - Mystery Incorporated

Scooby Doo The Miniatures Game - Mystery Incorporated

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Game Setup

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 14

The following is a rough guide to setting up the game (Updated 12 March 2021)

Lay out a gaming table with some terrain. At this stage we are not concerned with table size or even terrain placement or density. The aim is mostly theme and style.Lay out a gaming table with some terrain. At this stage we are not concerned with table size or even terrain placement or density. The aim is mostly theme and style.
You have 6 Objective tokens take them and shuffle them and without looking at any of them draw 5 of the 6 and put the 6th away without looking at it.You have 6 Objective tokens take them and shuffle them and without looking at any of them draw 5 of the 6 and put the 6th away without looking at it.
Place the 5 objective tokens anywhere on the table keeping them face down.Place the 5 objective tokens anywhere on the table keeping them face down.
Select one of the small Suspect cards at random and put it in the 'Clue Widget' without looking at the villain on the card!Select one of the small Suspect cards at random and put it in the 'Clue Widget' without looking at the villain on the card!

The clue widget allows you to insert a clue discovery card (Velmas is above) then when you slide up the middle screen, it reveals either a green or red dot to say whether the suspect fits the description.

Lay out the Large suspect CardsLay out the Large suspect Cards
Players each pick a character to play, and get the corresponding player sheet and measuring card.Players each pick a character to play, and get the corresponding player sheet and measuring card.
Prepare your Monsters and the random Monster SelectorPrepare your Monsters and the random Monster Selector

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome, Thans for sharing it !

Cult of Games Member

At first glance a dial reminds me of cheap kid’s games, but once I thought about it I realised its a great way of giving flexibility to each monster. you can set the probability for each outcome to anything you want. It also injects a more hands on approach and an opportunity for more images than just using dice.


That clue discovery mechanic genius. As is the spinner system for the monsters. We just need you to get this licenced and on Kickstarter! ?

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