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Sepulchral Guard

Sepulchral Guard

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I pinned the miniatures with the Corks in order to easy to hold. I sprayed the Thailand Local Prime Spray ‘Layland’ Flat Black, Grey, and Flat White for Zenithal priming. They are cheap and easy to find in Thailand. My home have no space for Airbrush.

Flat Black F-1 – All Over Model

Primer Surfacer Grey A-42 – 45 Degree around from Above

Flat White F-15 – One Small Sprash from Above

Recommendation to wear the rubber gloves both hand and the mask. I forgot to bring the gloves, but I wear the mask.

The chemical cause the cancer. This is the warning from the Doctor. Seriously!!!

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Only real painters have hands that covered in paint. Looking great!

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