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Warlord of Galahir minis

Warlord of Galahir minis

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Prep work before painting

Tutoring 3
Skill 2
Idea 4
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So I haven’t even taken the minis out of their bags yet… how long ago was this Kickstarter?

Bit of a miscast on one of the Goblins. I think have an idea what can be done to fix this… and make it look a bit different from the other Goblins with the same pose.


Lots of bendy bits needing straightening. Time to get dipping in hot water (this can also be an easy way to add some variety to the positioning of models if possible. In this case that was not really an option (in the base set the Zombie Trolls can be changed a little by dipping them and moving their arms).

For the Goblin with the miscast spear I cut away the rest of the weapon and had a rummage in my bits box for a knife that would look ok…. think it looks alright, we’ll see when painted

Prep work before painting

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