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End is Nigh (Terrain challenge) Crashed Vertiberd

End is Nigh (Terrain challenge) Crashed Vertiberd

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Static grass

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Sorry i skipped over priming and painting. I remember taking pictures but cant seem to find were i stored them.  Ill post them when i find them.


01)I apply static grass using the Flock Box and a wire strainer.  Normally the red wire and strainer are not use when basing miniatures, but for terrain it really helpful to get an even coverage of static grass 02).

I started with the wings and engine first and ran out of yellow straw static grass but gather up any loose static grass and added with some winter grass to finish off the main base.

05) use the straw color on my test mini

06) i plan to make the vine of of the AC filter material (green is the original color i prime it with brown and black.


Vines made from AC filterVines made from AC filter

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