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Herrigold's Bolt Action Fallschirmjäger VS Airborne

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Sidetracked: Organizing my Dreadball Teams

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I have a lot of Dreadball teams sitting on my desk with no where to go. They come in lovely little boxes, but I don’t like storing them in there when they have their paint on them, and a lot of them just don’t fit when they’re assembled… so I wanted to come up with a solution.

I have been waiting to buy a CNC machine so I can properly cut my own foam and make my own boxes, but I’ve been putting that off because I’m scared of the noise and the dust those things kick up. So it’s time to turn on the 3D printer and get moving!


I made a rack of 12 slots that perfectly hold a Dreadball hex. Just a pressure fit. The print works well, even with the overhangs because I made the top rail have angled rails that meet the strut. If this hadn’t worked, it would have been a very droopy print.

Next, I happened to realize that I had a lovely wooden box that I got years ago that perfectly holds the rack that I made, so I will be able to fit ALL of my teams inside it (even the giants!). Now I just have to build some kind of internal rails to slide each tray into. This is actually not an easy task, but I’ll figure it out!

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