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John's VLOG: Nighthaunt Age of Sigmar Project

John's VLOG: Nighthaunt Age of Sigmar Project

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The Glow of Ages.

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 2

Getting a good glow can make or break a ghostly looking model. You can be subtle or intense. Or… you can be like me and throw stuff at it until it works.  I did try a few different colours and basecoat ideas. But I finally settled on airbrushing a basecoat of white, to begin with, picking areas where the models seemed to coalesce from the ground.

The Glow of Ages.

After airbrushing out the areas I wanted. I picked some Army Painter Kraken Skin and thinned it down with airbrush flow improver. You can mix this quite heavily and still get a nice result.

The Glow of Ages.

I am really happy with how the spooky glow looks. Now, to tidy up all the overspray I simply gave the bases a coat of Army Painter Strong Tone to calm down the look of the overspray.

The Glow of Ages.

I liked how the wash still left some bits of overspray visible lending to the idea of the mini’s forming up from the ground.

The Glow of Ages.

After somewhere near two days of badgering from Warren I had a go at getting more contrast into the models. I started with a rough overbrush of Army Painter Gun Metal to the chains and weapon blades, while faces, skulls and bones got a drybrush of Vallejo Game Air: Bonewhite.

The Glow of Ages.

I think the results do add something of a more gritty element. Especially to the weapons. So, here is hoping the rest of the army looks good together on a table 😉

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Cult of Games Member

I’m intrigued by the green ring on the bases – not sure if I love it or not… Any particular reason for the choice of this colour?

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