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Dead on Arrival

Dead on Arrival

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Slow but steady...

Tutoring 0
Skill 7
Idea 5

It’s been slightly frustrating watching John’s vlog series this last week, as he gets large amounts done so quickly! It’s been a tough couple of weeks to find painting time, but over the weekend I had a clear spell to make some progress.

Most of it was spent assembling and priming the remainder of my Nighthaunt so that I can get a 1000 point army on the tabletop in time for our next club meeting.

Not the most exciting of pictures, but this does show up a) the use of liquid greenstuff to fill gaps *and* provide some texture and b) the mixture of materials I use on bases.Not the most exciting of pictures, but this does show up a) the use of liquid greenstuff to fill gaps *and* provide some texture and b) the mixture of materials I use on bases.

I did however manage to take one figure to an almost finished state. I was working pretty quickly, trying things out so I didn’t get a proper step by step – I’ll aim to remedy that with the next post.

The metals aren’t too bad, except that the iron look is too shiny, so I’ll probably dry brush (or maybe stipple?) something almost black over it to tone it down. On the rest of the models I’ll just mix some black with the metallic paint to get a similar effect.

The face / arms have had a bit of hexwraith flame, followed by some ivory highlights, the “ghostly” bits have had an additional black wash to increase the contrast and the base has been tidied up.

Now I just need to decide how much (if any) flock goes on the bases. My original intent was to go for reasonably grassy with bright red flowers – to make the models themselves look really grungy. Not sure if it’s a stroke of genius or a terrible idea – feel free to let me know!

Slow but steady...
Slow but steady...

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It’s awesome seeing the quality of your metal work. It really brings them to life.

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