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Welcome to Nu-Earth greenie!

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Addendum for the Project (Pausing for a breath)

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So that’s the GI’s and the Southers in general are finished now.  I may revisit the Southers to pick out some details/put some colours on the backpacks at some point. Not sure about this yet. If anyone has any suggestions regarding this, please drop a comment.

I do have a couple of vehicles I am thinking of including for both the Norts, Southers, and possible a drop pod for the GI’s, but have not decided yet whether or not to add this into the project.

From my point, the next stop is to start the Norts. This consists of:

24 troopers

8 assault troopers

6 snipers

1 master sniper

7 officers/characters

3 heavy mg teams (Bronze-age, not Norts)

8 automatic Pillbox turrets.


Now I have a couple of issues with the above list. (Not including that’s a shit load of painting to get stuck into. I usually only paint a couple of minis every now and then)

  1. I accidentally lost the weapon sprues for the automatic Pillbox turrets, so I’m currently trying to source some replacements. This could take some time, as if I cannot source replacements, I’ll have to attempt to scratch built some. ( This could be a problem for me).
  2. Colour scheme for the automatic Pillbox turrets. Not sure how to paint these buggers, …….. yet!
  3. Of the 7 officers/characters, a couple will require a “bit” of conversion work, and all the mini’s are metals…….. so time factor here.
  4.  I need to make a Nort Flag with battle honors on it (not a fleeg, Llyod). Photoshop & me do not play nicely at all………
  5. I need to find/come up with a camo scheme for the snipers. Not sure of how I want them to look yet. I’ll wait till I have a test piece done for the Nort troopers then see if that helps me to decide.

So I may take a couple of days break before posting again…….but I’m not gonna promise.


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