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The Traitor General !

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I know that I could (technically) put this guy in with the Norts, he is a Souther General, so…..,

TG was a great deal of fun to do. I wanted a scheme that was similar to the Southers, but with some colours that would lean more towards the Norts.

Uniform FoW Green grey.

Boots – FoW Red Leather with dark tone wash.

Helmet & Backpack – British olive drab with green tone wash. With some spot colours.

Visor on Helmet – AP Ash Grey base, FoW pure red over the top,  citadel ‘ardcoat.

Armour  – FoW Reflective Green, with a watery black wash.

Weapon – dark grey base, heavy black wash, FoW Gun Metal dry brush.

Skin tone – FoW Flat Flesh base, AP Barbarian flesh hights, and some AP Purple tone wash to pick out edges of burnt flesh. FoW for the destroyed eye

Webbing – FoW Khaki grey with AP strong tone wash

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