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(BoW John) Stone Templar Kill Team

(BoW John) Stone Templar Kill Team

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Gathering the Parts

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
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The Stone Templar, as they will appear in Kill Team, are the regular Astartes. I am building this Kill Team to tell the story of their last stand, 300 years before Guilliman’s return with the Primaris.

As such, this gives me a chance to model some of the original members of the Templar with all their decoration and “crusader” attitude.

To do this I have gone with two Space Marine box sets. The Space Marine Scouts with Sniper rifles, and a box of Space Marine Sterngarde Veterans. I love both of these kits and have always wanted an excuse to roll them into the Templars. But since I am keeping the current army as a pure Primaris force I will look to Kill Team to give me the narrative angle I want to use these models.



Gathering the Parts

Conversions and List.


To give my Templars the look I want, I went to Spellcrow for some head swaps and leg swaps. Since the Black Templar upgrade sets are hard to come across and are looking a bit dated. Using the head swaps for the scouts and the legs for the marines, I will hopefully get some unique looking characters in combination with the two plastic kits.


Anyway, on to the 100pt list. I formed this as a Battle forged Kill Team:


Brother Sergeant Tylrios: Grav Pistol, Chainsword (Leader lv2) : 18

Brother Tarados: Heavy Bolter (Gunner, heavy lvl2) : 20

Brother Danalus: Melta Gun (Gunner, heavy lv1) : 16

Brother Renson: Boltgun (Veteran lv1): 12

Brother Ardeen: Boltgun (Veteran lv1): 12

Scout Brother Drendaris: Sniper Rifle (Sniper lv1): 11

Scout Brother Ludon: Sniper Rifle( Sniper lv1): 11



I think this is the best way for my Kill Team to be formed, as even if I want to run them in a progressive campagin, I have the weapons, names and models already nailed down the way I want them. So the list was more of a guide.


On to Building!


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