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Adventures in Airbrushing

Adventures in Airbrushing

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A Little Short for a Stormtrooper

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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So, my next project is some Star Wars Legions Stormtroopers. I don’t have time to play the games I currently own, never mind another, no matter how much legions is the tabletop dream I had as a kid. So, I haven’t bough the game, but I had to have some of the models.

So, I bought the speeder that is somewhere earlier in this project, and some Stormtroopers. I didn’t want to paint these just white, instead I wanted to add some more depth and interest, so I have gone a slightly different direction.

The colours I used were black from Vallejo as well as sickly skin and gravedigger denim from P3 paints. The denim colour is a really nice shade of blue grey.



A Little Short for a Stormtrooper

I started out with a black basecoat, then added a black/gravedigger mix to create a darker blue. which I sprayed over most of the model.

Next I used a straight mix of gravedigger denim and flow improver to create a thin paint, which I used to create highlights,

Finally, I added sickly skin to the gravedigger denim for the final highlight.



A Little Short for a Stormtrooper

The result is this as you can see below. It gives a more contrasty finish that is definitely artificial, but I like having something that is a little different.

The eagle eyed among you will notice that one of the stormtroopers is a little short, and this is because the poor guy arrived with no feet. Mis-molds happen, I’ll just have to think of an inventive way to base him to hide the fact old stumpy is missing his feet.


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