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Collins Does Star Wars Legion

Collins Does Star Wars Legion

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A Recent Battle

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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I met up with a friend and had a game of Legion on a new board and scenery. We had a great time but I feel the need to show you with photographs what happened.

Firstly the lists

Rebels List

  • Luke Skywalker (Force Reflexes, Jedi Mind Trick, Targeting Scope) 186

  • Leia Organa (Commanding Presense, Environmental Gear)

  • Fleet Troopers (Extra Man, Scatter gun, Environmental gear) 81

  • 4x Rebel Trooper Squads (Z6 Gatling Gun, Environmental Gear) 4x 65

  • 2x ATRT (Rotary Blaster) 2x 85

Imperial List

  • Note: I didn't record this fully, might not be wholly accurate.

  • General Veers (targeting scopes, commanding presence) 90

  • Speeder Bikes 90

  • ATST (Weiss, Twin Light Blaster, Grenade Launcher, Mortar) 250

  • Snowtroopers (extra man, flamer, grenades, targeting scopes) 91

  • 3x Stormtrooper Squads (DLT-19, extra man) 3x 79

  • Stormtrooper Squad 44

The battle site was a new desert mat and some buildings from battlefront.The battle site was a new desert mat and some buildings from battlefront.

Here are a few shots of the early stages of the battle using my new Endor theme Luke.

The battle was done using the brand new Priority Supplies mission objectives. Minefield, sabotage the moisture vaporators and the big L shape deployment zones.

It all started well, Leia was running around doing her thing of protecting everyone from themselves (free dodges for everyone! Dodges for days!) Luke was doing his thing of running up to the closest big thing and chopping it up when close enough and the troopers did their thing of getting killed. Sadly the ATRTs had been poorly deployed (or expertly avoided by my opponent) and didn’t have any real targets.

Then when the close quarters battle started it was led by the Snowtroopers (or close assault troops as they should be called in this game lol). They had suffered a few casualties early in the game through the minefields around the board. But then they got a bit too close to a forward rebel trooper squad…. oh dear! brown trouser time!

Before the attackBefore the attack

This attack comprised of 5 black dice (from the flamer) and 3 black dice (from grenades) and they had an aim token.

8 Black with 3 re-rolls against 1 dodge and white defence die.

Oh God, we’re dead!

Where has my squad gone!!! somebody ordered a BBQ Where has my squad gone!!! somebody ordered a BBQ

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