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AoS Build and Paint

AoS Build and Paint

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Time for some Scenery

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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A wild Namarti Thrall appearsA wild Namarti Thrall appears

I decided it was about time to stop trying to avoid it and give Scenery painting a go. I love this result and it’s so easy to do. Unfortunately this pic doesn’t really do it justice, when it’s on the table it looks fantastic.

I bought some Azyrite Ruins a while ago and I’d recommend them to anyone, honestly it is such a good value and flexible set, you can use it on pretty much any mat you like and it just works. You also get little treasure chests which work as scatter terrain or objective markers.

I liked it so much I went ahead and bought the Blasted Hallowheart set that comes with a board to play on and another bunch of Azyrite ruins sections, another fantastic value set that gets my full recommendation.

Anyway, on to the paints!

  • Spray with Corax White
  • Wash all over with Seraphim Sepia
  • Fairly heavy Drybrush with Screaming Skull, lesser towards the base of the scenery
  • Drybrush areas towards the top of the scenery with Deepkin Flesh
  • Another layer of Seraphim sepia focused on the very bottom of the ruins.

The gold details were picked out with Liberator Gold and washed with Reikland Fleshshade GLOSS.

Creating some shading on the ruins so that they appear darker towards the base and lighter (and slightly bluer) towards the top really helps ground them on the table.

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WarHound67 Recent comment authors
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Love the paint breakdown pics .. nice work with the mini’s as well 🙂

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