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Building the lore and painting Death Guard

Building the lore and painting Death Guard

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So as I said the last time that i have painted 13 of my 20 cultist. Ive been using some more paints, but still tried to keep it with the theme I have made with my other models. Ive add blue and orange. Again its the same principle as the rest of the army base paints and wash. Im not trying to be to neat with the wash, because i want it looks, dirty, grim and sickly.

And so fare im pretty happy with the results

Im gonna do all the bases when all 20 is done. Again using GW Astra Granite, then drybrush with AP Skeleton Bone, and then a GW Nuln Oil. And then i start playing with GW’s Nurgles Rot, to make it look… well nurglish…? The side of the base used GW Steel Legion Drab.

I will hopefully get painting a bit again tomorrow.

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