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Rainbow6's Dr Who minis

Rainbow6's Dr Who minis

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Silence will fall!

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I painted these models ages ago so the following painting guide has no pictures and my memory is not the best so….


Paints used (I think): Vallejo model Colour German grey, Vallejo model Colour London grey, Vallejo Model Colour Buff (I think), Vallejo Model Colour Ivory, Army Painter Dark Tone, Army Painter Soft Tone, Vallejo Game Colour Cold Grey (Maybe).

Step 1: White Shirts- Base coat VMC Buff. Layer with a mix of VMC Buff and VMC Ivory, play around until you get the shirt white-ish. Dilute some AP Soft tone, you want a really weak mix, apply to the shirt to give it a tiny hint of the soft tone.

Step Two: Suits- Paint the suits with VMC German Grey, when dry give it a light dry brush with VMC London Grey. Wash with AP Dark Tone.

Step Three: Heads + hands- This is where my memory fails me, I think I painted the heads and hands with VGC Cold grey and washed it with AP Dark Tone. I think that’s what I did, so todays Top Tip is take notes!

Step Four: Bases- For the bases see Sontarans Part 2

Rainbow Six out!

Silence will fall!

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