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Bolt Action Sarrisa Ruined Farmhouse

Bolt Action Sarrisa Ruined Farmhouse

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Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 5
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Progress is made…. So a few spares minutes today allowed me some time to do some base coats. First i sprayed the whole model with plasticoats mdf primer.

Then i used the airbrush to add shade, basically any details or corners etc had a black spray (i forgot to take pics sorry i was in the zone!)

Next nice thinned down base coats allowing the black shading to come through. Red for the roof, deck tan for the outside and desert yellow interior.

Flat brown on all the earth and fence, and tamiya have some clear colours so i used the blue on the pond, so far not too bad a result, i will be adding a bit of clear resin water effect to this too hopefully with some reeds etc.

next a dry/stipple of beige brown on the fence and flat brown on the exposed beams.

Looks a bit funky but im sure once all the flock etc is on and a few more hand painted bits picked out its gonna look pretty good, im thinking lots of bushes too, bombed out and overgrown 😀

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