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Post-apocalyptic Wasteland Scenery - Terrain Challenge

Post-apocalyptic Wasteland Scenery - Terrain Challenge

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Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 2

I wanted to go with a downbeat weathered look and knew I wanted it to look rusty and abandoned.  First base colour then was Army Painter Chaotic Red to provide that underlying feel.

Light sprays of Russian Green were then used to add the primary hues, leaving the dark red showing underneath.

After having left it to dry for a while I then scuffed up key areas using a kitchen scouring pad to scratch off layers of paint to try and reveal the underlying red (and in some cases original biscuit tin colours).

I used (the now sadly out of production) Modelmates paint on rust effects to properly weather it up, concentrating on scuffed areas,  the areas where the two original tins met (rather than hiding the join I thought I’d make use of it.  I also concentrated on the areas where the ‘pipes’ joined the base of the silo.  In addition the ladders were rusted up in key areas.

A covering of Plastic Soldier Company Dirt Brown weathering spray was then used all over and after a few minutes was smeared and sponged using some old blister pack foam.

The foam was then broken out again to use the ‘sponging chipping’ technique using a dark brown paint.

Undercoat of Dark Grey primer applied (not entirely necessary as I used Army Painter colour primer next)...Undercoat of Dark Grey primer applied (not entirely necessary as I used Army Painter colour primer next)...
Army Painter Chaotic Red appliedArmy Painter Chaotic Red applied
Russian Green sparyed on leaving some red showing throughRussian Green sparyed on leaving some red showing through
Scuffed up paint work using a kitchen padScuffed up paint work using a kitchen pad
More scuffingMore scuffing
Weathering appliedWeathering applied

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Cult of Games Member

Something I want to ask every time I look at this is; is the header image the already finished terrain piece? Every new update looks so eerily similar in every tiny detail to the header image. And if it is, why not upload it all in one go instead of adding an entry every now and then?

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