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Space Hulk

Space Hulk

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Step 13 - Next bits

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Not sure why I called these steps but I am going to keep rambling – Probably more like updates, but hey, I am a first timer at this project business – oh thanks to all those who have been smashing buttons 🙂 …

I have been working away at this commander for a while .. and the next phase was to start picking out the bits .. so all of the skulls got an coat of Monster Brown (AP) and all of the dangly bits got some greedy gold (also AP). The strings (ropes) that everything is on also got a base coat of oak brown – the skulls and the ropes (f0r want of a better term) then had the edges picked out (rope) and/or highlight if AP Desert yellow.. then the whole thing got a bath in Agrax Earthshade … (whats left of the spilt bottle :/) I also painted all the bloodrops I had blacked out, with AP shining silver for my soon to come quick and easy blood finish. Oh and the eye I filled in white with my usual sneaky trick of the black dot with an artline 200 0.4 permanent marker.

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