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End is Nigh (Terrain challenge) Crashed Vertiberd

End is Nigh (Terrain challenge) Crashed Vertiberd

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Damage files

Tutoring 8
Skill 14
Idea 15
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After uploading and converting various .nif file to a format i could use.  I found them unsuited to print without some major fixes.  I am after all using files not originally made to be 3D printed.

First file i alter was the vertibird itself (7). the model entire cockpit needed to be replaced and both door need reinforcing from my experience (8).

(9) Before and after models you can see the structural differences.

Next i started on the suit of power armor. This also shows defect (11)on the front and rear. I plan to use meshmixer to clean up this model so i left as is.

I went ahead and added a base and dead soldier to make a little diaroma(12)

i use various feature in Meshmixer to make it solid and remesh and reduce my model(13)

5 hour later (printing on my finest setting with supports).  i got a very decent model (14)

It was well worth the 3 sleepless night working this out cheers

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