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Red Book of the Elf King

Red Book of the Elf King

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Getting started

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 6
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I have been admiring and drooling over this range since the first releases. Unfortunately I was an able to afford the previous order deals at the time, I have now decided to paint a few figures a month with the aim of having a playboy set by Christmas. Do not want to overburden myself as I still intend to continue with my Degenesis project.

I gave bought Vashel Golden hand whom I will paint over next couple of weeks as a trial, and if all goes well will add to collection each month.

I have some suitable scenery which I will be completing, but also looking to buy and create some pieces.

So far I have undercoated the miniature white and then picked out all metallic and dark areas in black, tonight I will start to put down base colours. Behind Vashel is the Reaper Bones scenery that came with a pair of fighting dragons, this was given me by a friend and has been in this partially painted state for a while, time to get it finished.So far I have undercoated the miniature white and then picked out all metallic and dark areas in black, tonight I will start to put down base colours. Behind Vashel is the Reaper Bones scenery that came with a pair of fighting dragons, this was given me by a friend and has been in this partially painted state for a while, time to get it finished.

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