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Rainbow6's Dr Who minis

Rainbow6's Dr Who minis

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Tutoring 1
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Models used: Sontaran Squad and Sontaran General Staal

Step One: The models were cleaned up using my standard hobby knife, just the usual to remove any flash and the like. These are great models but the do have an annoying integral oval base at the feet. You could possibly remove it with some kind of razor saw but I suck at that part of the hobby, so I use the superglue + bicarbonate of soda basing technique I learnt right here on Beasts of War. For those who don’t know this technique you put a decent amount of super glue on your base, then I place the model on the base and move it about a bit to ensure total coverage of the base. Then when you’re satisfied drop a load of bicarbonate of soda on to the base and the glue cures almost instantly and you’re left with a nice textured base. Once I had done this I primed the models white using GW white primer and left it to dry.


Step Two: Base coating the body armour.

Paint used Citadel Base The Fang

The paint was thinned using water and two coats were applied.


Step Three: Highlighting the body armour.

Paints Used: Citadel Base The Fang, Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey, Vallejo Game Colour Magic Blue

Mix The Fang with Stonewall grey in an approx. 50:50 mix. at this point I found the colour wasn’t quite what I was going for but after a little bit of experimentation I added a tiny amount of the Magic blue and got what I was after. This mix was then used to highlight the body armour…. not something i’m very good at if i’m honest


Step Four: Helmets and shoulder pads.

Paint used: Formula P3 Cygnar Blue Base

Again the paint was thinned with water and two coats applied. When you see the Sontarans in the show their helmets and shoulder pads have a very shiny plastic look to them. To replicate this these elements will be given a coat of Vallejo gloss varnish towards the end of the project.


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