Hex Terrain Board
Currently I’m stuck at the point on “what to make of it”. The modularity should be key but I lack the “vision” of what design I could use. To get the most use out of the project later (even with other games) the design should be generic. So maybe grass and sand?
Ideas are very welcome!
Nice idea for the board. You need something that will give you several very different battlefields depending on the configuration. I reckon you need about a third plain tiles, a third of them with medium density terrain and a final third with big/impressive terain elements. Depending what games you play, the yes, generic grass and sand would probably be the best for the basic tiles. Maybe rocky outcrops/rough ground/pools/craters/ruins for the medium ones. Then a few impressive buildings/hills. Then maybe do a couple of game specific tiles for each game you play. For SW:Legion have a crashed starfighter or Mos… Read more »