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Exploring Mythos with the Priory and Wildborn Faction

Exploring Mythos with the Priory and Wildborn Faction

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A look at the Fluff and the Rules

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Idea 3
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As promised we’ll have a more in-depth look at the fluff and rules of Mythos.

The short version is: It is inspired by the Lovecraftian Cthulhu Mythos. Actually, the game derives its name from that, and one of the core mechanisms as well. The general theme of descent into madness is carried through the rules and the fluff quite well.

The gorgeous rulebook, thin, DINA5 High-quality print on thick and sturdy cardboard-paper is only 5 GBP rrp. The rulebook is full color, contains fantastic artwork and also the fluff for each of the 5 available factions.

The Miniatures each come with two two-sided cards, a small card with one side the life points to mark off and the other one with keyword definitions, while the bigger main card contains a profile on each side, which will be flipped if a character descent too much into the madness caused by horrors beyond comprehension. Each faction box also contains a card with a game overview.

The fluff of each faction is found on the website, so I’ll only give a brief overview for each of them:


Witches and Healers of old, fed up how humanity treated them and nature. They now twist Nature and each other to fight humankind and civilization.


Humanities Guardians. They try and protect us from the horrors lurking in the dark.

Hidden Ones:

Agents of the Old Ones. Plotting to destroy humanity and open a path to our reality for their gods.

Custos Crypta:

Insectoid Guardians of the tombs of old Egypt. Forgotten and evolved in darkness, humanities greed set them loose on the modern world.

Order of the Enlightened Path:

Humans dabbling with magic and dark powers they don’t understand.

So that’s it for today. Tomorrow we’ll start basing the two factions and then paint them.

I’ll try to give them each distinctive bases but connect them, so I’ll be using stones made from Green Stuff with the GreenStuff World rolls with the rune theme, and both will get water effects, but while the Priory will get a coastal town cobblestone theme, the Wildborn will get a forest theme.

The last thing I wanted to say, the more I read and work on the minis, the more I fall in love with them. So go check them out and ask questions here in the comments, and if you want to let us know there as well which faction you would like to start with?

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