Burrows & Badgers - getting back to sculpting!
Feet, legs and tail...
Next I started on the lower body, with the feet. Again, a lump of putty was pressed into place on the front of the foot armature, and another added behind to form the heel and ankle joint. Lines were cut in with the Wax 5 for the toes and claws, and the whole thing smoothed and tidied with the Clay Shaper. It’s a pretty simple process, but you have to be gentle and take your time.
I continued working up the leg; pressing putty onto the armature, then roughing in the fur pattern. I then spent some time gradually refining each separate bit of fur, with the sharp end of the Wax 5.
I did the same with the other leg; then used the same process to do the tail.
Once the legs were fully cured, I mixed some more Brownstuff and finished the badgers’s staff. The sculpt looks a bit odd at this stage, but from here on will start to take shape fairly quickly, as large areas of clothing get added.
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