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Civil War Campaign: Confederates

Civil War Campaign: Confederates

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Introducing the Forces

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
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Let's Meet Our Heroes Shall We?


It’s 1861 and following our Glorious Victory at Bull Run the Army has some serious work to do.

Unfortunately they can’t do it while Billy Yank is running away like a startled Jackrabbit so we’ve got to make sure that doesn’t happen.

There’s also the small matter of a Local spy selling information to the Federal’s, Captain Jeremiah A. D. Bell has been sent to apprehend him and bring him in so we can see if he’s motivated by Patriotism or Coin.

Back Left: Captain Jeremiah A. D. Bell, Lieutenant William P. Schneider, Lieutenant Milton H. Fallworth. Font Left: Lieutenant Howard C. Miller, Lieutenant Johnathon R. Hillsborough Back Left: Captain Jeremiah A. D. Bell, Lieutenant William P. Schneider, Lieutenant Milton H. Fallworth. Font Left: Lieutenant Howard C. Miller, Lieutenant Johnathon R. Hillsborough

Accompanying Captain Bell are Lieutenants Schneider and Fallworth.

Captain Jeremiah A. D. Bell is a wealthy, young Southern Gentleman with a large stake in a profitable Silver Mine out West. However no true son of Alabama could rest easy in San Diego while his homeland suffers, so with much pulling of strings and natural charm he got himself a commission. He has managed to secure enough Rifled Muskets for all of his men.

Lieutenant William P. Schneider is a German Immigrant who moved to work on a farm in Alabama a decade ago. With hard work he purchased his own farm and settled down. When Alabama voted for Secession Schneider saw the way the wind was blowing and managed to get himself a commission in the State Militia based on some less than accurate stories about service in the Prussian Army. 

Lieutenant Milton H. Fallworth was a plantation overseer who lost his job when his employer freed all of his slaves upon his death. He sought out the bottle until news of Alabama’s secession created a place for him among the officers of the Confederate Army.

Captain Thomas P. WilliamsCaptain Thomas P. Williams

Captain Thomas P. Williams hasn’t been informed of the spy and is to instead dedicate his entire attention on smashing aside the Federal Rearguard and opening the path forward.

Captain Thomas P. Williams has left behind his wife, children and Law Practice in Mobile Alabama all for his love of the Great State of Alabama. After his first taste of combat he’s more committed than ever to the cause of Southern Independence.

With him are the former Army Sergeant and current Lieutenant Howard C. Miller and Lieutenant Johnathon R. Hillsborough.

Lieutenant Miller traveled South into Mexico (with the army he didn’t just go on his own) as a Bugler and spent the next few years barreling through the ranks. He still carries a Bugle into battle as a homage to his past.

Lieutenant Hillsborough “transferred” from the Navy after jumping ship in Mobile once the State seceded and put out the call for experienced men to become officers.

Introducing the Forces

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