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Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

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Ancient Iacton and Lieutenant Tarik

Tutoring 3
Skill 14
Idea 11

Due to some heretic watching of football it took me a bit longer to finish those two than expected. But here we are. The Lieutenant and the Ancient for my Primaris Luna Wolves. Named after another two original and loyal Luna Wolves.

The Lieutenant took about 2h 15m and the Ancient nearly 3h due to the banner. The Insignia (Wolf and Roman 10) on the Shoulder Pads and Banner are again my self printed decals. So is the “Luna Wolves” label on the Banner. The names on the rims of the bases are freehanded. As I said I am not that good at it.

Lieutenant Tarik (Torgaddon)Lieutenant Tarik (Torgaddon)
and Ancient Iacton (Qruze)and Ancient Iacton (Qruze)

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Bothioriskanymilmaa Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Really great stuff! The green lighting effect really stands out I like it! 🙂
Banner is ace too!

Not much football left now to distract! I’m not sure what I feel about that yet!

Cult of Games Member

You’re a madman, @bothi – tacking a mini painting project with this much white! You’re a MADMAN! 😀 Looks great! God, that’s gotta be the toughest color to paint. But you pulled it off.

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