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Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

Luna Wolves Reborn a.k.a. Cawl's personal Guard - by Bothi

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Squad Vipus - 5 Intercessors

Tutoring 6
Skill 17
Idea 14
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To cement my know-how in the color scheme I decided to paint up another squad of 5 Intercessors next. And I just finished today. This time I managed to get an exact timing. I put a bit more effort into them an it took me a bit less than 9 hours of ideal worktime on these. That’s not counting wait time between steps. So thats about 1h 45m per Marine. A bit more than I planned, but still acceptable for “speed painting”.


Entire SquadEntire Squad
Sergeant Nero VipusSergeant Nero Vipus
Not to forget the Not to forget the "good old Lloyd-Shot"

I started work simultaneously on the Lieutenant and the Ancient. These are at about the same stage (besides the bases), but have a few more details (power weapon, banner, etc.). Should be able to finish these tonight or tomorrow.

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