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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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Idea 2
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Tonight I did some work to get some paint on the fuel tanks. The base was painted a dark grey, and the tank a mix of Vallejo Japanese Uniform and Vallejo Kahki.

For the base I dry brushed up through lighter greys to white, heavy at first, drybrushing lighter on the lighter colors.

As I painted the base first, when it came time to airbrushing the camo on the tank, I needed to use painters tape  to mask off the base to avoid destroying the basing work.


Fuel tanks with masking tape appliedFuel tanks with masking tape applied

I then airbrushed on green (Vallejo Reflective Green) and Brown (Vallejo Flat Earth) to make the Japanese camo.

Last was some brush work. For this I removed the painters tape. The crosses yellow lines done with a bright yellow. I then painted the stacks black followed by silver. I will probably weather around the stacks to make them look grittier.

Mostly completed fuel tanksMostly completed fuel tanks

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