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Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

Identifying, Updating, and Painting a Bucket of 90's Era 40K Orks with Lawnor

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Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 6

Everything appears to be here except his arm, and a google hunt reveals that this sculpt had a generic weaponless arm and I have plenty of those in the big pile-o-limbs.  Do the Gretchins in the first post go with him?  Doesn’t he fire/teleport Gretchins at/inside people?  What size base is he on these days?  40, 50 or 60mm?  Or something else?

Edit 17/7/18: I just saw an unboxing of the current release and it said it was a 40mm base, but that was from 2014 I think.

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Known Stats:

Unit size: 1 Model

Base size in box today: 40mm in 7th ed??

Optional models: Grot Oiler

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lawnormaledrakh Recent comment authors
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Hello again,
my ancient shokk attack gun is on a 25mm round, so I assume that was what originally was for this mini. Also there were some snotlings (very small goblins / grotz) with it, a random selection of the fantasy snotlings as far as I remember. as you write, These snotlings were the ammo, and were teleported at the enemy, so they might materialize inside the armour with messy results…It has a plastic arm like many of the armless boys of the era.

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