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Background - GI's

Tutoring 5
Skill 2
Idea 4
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Background -  GI's

Ok, I started this project quite a while ago, when I posted a question in the “old” forums of how to paint a blue skin tone. And no I don’t have many wip’s, I usually forget to get out the camera, and by the time I think of it, I’m too happy painting to go find the bloody thing!

After quite a few trials and more than a few errors (which resulted in mini’s being dropped in acetone to strip them several times), I finally got to where,….. I’m happy enough with my attempt.

The models used are from the Rogue Trooper KS, with a couple from Bronze Age miniatures, or the Judge Dredd game.

GI Skin – Vallejo medium blue (70.963), washed with Army painter blue wash. Dry brush with a mix of medium blue, Army painter/Flames of war white, and a touch of army painter wolf grey.  I then attempt to highlight with a bit of wolf grey and blue wash for any grooves I need to go over.


Troopers – Army Painter/Flames of war khaki with a soft tone wash in the creases.

Officers/NCO/Admin – Army Painter/Flames of war either khaki or khaki grey, depending on the model. Vallejo sky grey with a very dilute black wash and white highlight for the singlet on Venus.

Boots – Army Painter/Flames of war red leather with a dark or strong tone wash.

Webbing & Pouches – Army Painter/Flames of war green grey with a dark or soft tone wash.

Weapons – Army Painter/Flames of war us olive drab on the covers, with a green wash. field grey with black wash and gun metal dry brush for the metal parts. The Lazooka’s got reflective green with green wash in the crevices.

Hair – sky grey, with dilute black wash and white or a lighter sky grey dry brush/highlight.

Gunsights & Backpack Lamps -vallejo sky grey, with a Army Painter/Flames of war pure red dot. then a citadel ‘ardcoat covering

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