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Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

Foehammer’s Konflikted Painting Table

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the images below show where I’ve gotten to with my Japanese airfield terrain. The jungle scatter terrain bases have been flocked, and the bunkers completed.

completed jungle terraincompleted jungle terrain

The bunkers were fairly quick to complete. I first drybrushed in graduallylighter greys, ending with white. The next step was weathering. I used Agrax Earthshade wash to paint muddy areas, like cracks, as well as show areas where dirty water would run down the bunker, like corners of the gun slits.

In retrospect, I should have done this before drybrushing, to make the transitions seem more natural.

I also drybrushed Browns into areas where dirt would collect, like the joins between walls and floors. Made them see dirtier and more lived in.

Lastly I flocked the bunkers. Not only did I flock the bases, but also added some grass to the roofs, and other Crevaces where grass might grow, like the corners of the gun ports.

Bunkers, roofs onBunkers, roofs on
Bunkers, roofs offBunkers, roofs off

The only thing I might do in the future is build some steel doors for the bunkers.

Questions and comments welcome!

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