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Jockes first step into Age of Sigmar (Sylvaneth)

Jockes first step into Age of Sigmar (Sylvaneth)

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After the first games

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Okay, did my first 3 games today in the Path to Glory campaign, lost all. Afterthoughts: The Dryads are a usefull tarpit and the Treelord is a beast. The Branchwych is kinda “Meh” for a General, but I think I get used to her.


After the games I did some priming and airbrushwork on my Tree Revenants and my Kurnoth Hunter, and I knew, I need more of them.

After the first games

I primed them again with AP Necrotic Flesh and did some browns and greens with the Airbrush. After that I mixed some blue with white and hit the Revenants with a light glow effect, worked very well.

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Are the more Kurnoth due to how lovely they are progressing paint wise, or their in-game capabilities?


very cool 🙂

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