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Lloyd's Varangians / Kevin Rus' Army Build

Lloyd's Varangians / Kevin Rus' Army Build

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Getting Harald Hardrada Ready for Battle - Part 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 1
Idea 7

Added a Nose Guard

While looking at reference images it became clear that I would need to make once last change to my Footsore Miniature to make him into my own version of Harald Hardrada and turned my attention to working on his helmet.

In the pics I was looking at most of the time Harald had a helmet on as you would expect but the helmet’s always had a noise guard. So I remedied disparity by using the handle from a knife which I super-glued to his face and then filled down so it was nice and thin and flush with the rest of the helmet.

Here's how good a knife handle can look as a noise guard.Here's how good a knife handle can look as a noise guard.

Also if you look closely at the cuffs you will see I used the craft knife again to score in a little detail. I thought this might help when it came to painting a different colour on the cuffs but I’m not sure if I would bother again as it was hard to get the scored lines to meet up.

With the conversion done it’s time to moved on to painting. Below is a quick snap showing how he looked just as I got started. You might notice a few grey areas, these where parts I removed a few mod lines etc. from that I didn’t spot before spraying I then painted on some Brush-on Primer. Also I lost a little detail on the face due to some supper glue over run.

Getting Harald Hardrada Ready for Battle - Part 2

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torrostgu3 Recent comment authors
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You’re penny’s being put to good use Lloyd.


Comment test @lloyd

Cult of Games Member

I’ve heard Lloyd doesn’t mind spending pennies when he needs to

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