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Bolt Action Home Guard

Bolt Action Home Guard

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Smith Gun - Finished

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 2
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In between working on the Dads Army unit today, I’ve been applying all the techniques on other units. When batch painting, I personally think its good to have multiple units on the go. That way when you are waiting for washes to dry etc you can be applying a stage to another unit.

Anyway here’s the finished Smith Gun – I love this model, just re-enforces the Britishness of the Home Guard for me. It’s not too bad in game, opponents don’t tend to like it as they don’t come across them that often 🙂

Smith Gun - Finished

One thing I did prior to starting this project was to mix up a tub that I would be using for basing – that way you get a nice consistent look to your bases. This one was a mixture of green flock, grit and some pre made autumn leaves that I had hanging about.

Smith Gun - Finished

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Paul Mullis Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great to see this coming along. I’ve got an emerging Home Guard/BEF/LDV force myself and dipped my toes into Op. Sea Lion So many characterful models, and surprisingly effective in game too, given their expected opposition of whatever the Jerries could manage to ship over the Channel.

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