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Bolt Action Home Guard

Bolt Action Home Guard

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Dad's Army Unit - Webbing

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 0
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To get to this stage, I had basecoated the models with Vallejo Model Colour English Uniform (part of the British Paint Set – which is awesome btw) and then given them all a wash of Riekland Fleshshade.

It was now on to the webbing and again turning to the British Paint Set, I went with the recommended Khaki (nice paint guide for Infantry on the back of the box). Here’s were this got us to:

Dad's Army Unit - Webbing

Once this was dry, and in this weather to be honest, the paint was drying in minutes, I then applied a thinned downed wash of Game Colour Umbro Shade – I’d say the ratio was probably 1:3 shade/water. Finished off looking like this:

Dad's Army Unit - Webbing

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