StormCast as fast as lightning
The method
Ok so this is classic army painter style.
I primed everything with the Citadel Retributor Armour Spray, I pretty much got it done with one can and it took about 30 minutes to do the entire lot.
I then wanted to keep a simple theme so lots of gold, whites and blue, with red handles to the weaponry. I know this is boring but it meant I could a good rhythm going.
Pretty much this is all I used throughout…
The only thing you probably won’t recognise is the pot with the red lid, this contains a mix of Army Painter soft tone and some white spirit to thin it down. This allows me to paint the mixture onto the models faster with fewer globules.
Of course, once you have all the base colours down and have applied the dip with a brush it will dry with a high shine. Just needs a good dose of Matt varnish to finish the job.
Just a question… I have had nasty experiences with varnish sprays in the past, how reliable is army painter matt varnish? …. love the project too mate … keep going you are plowing through it.
Honestly, it is all conditions, I will never varnish outside again frankly as I have had the frosting issue. I have moved entirely to varnishing (not that I always do it) inside with an airbrush so I highly recommend that.