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Darks Death Guard and other slow build projects

Darks Death Guard and other slow build projects

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Frozen wastes bases

Tutoring 2
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Ive been slowly making up Death Guard. But its too hot to paint today so i decided to make a test base for my drone. Ive seen the Valhallan Blizzard texture paint online and liked the look so i grabbed some when in town yesterday.

Here’s a rundown of the steps i took.

Step 1 and 2

First thing i did was to rip up a few sheets of cork and glue them to the base. Also added a few skulls. It can look a bit rushed at this point. The snow effect will hide any mistakes.

I then covered the base in Astrogranite Debris texture from Citadel making sure that the skulls and some of the cork layers were partly covered.

Frozen wastes bases

Step  3 and 4

Next thing to do was base coat the cork in Model Color Grey Green

Frozen wastes bases

Step 3-4

Next thing to do was give the cork a base coat of Model Color Green. The rest of the base was then washed with Agrax Earthshade.

Step 4 and 5 (sorry no pics)

This will create a quite dark finish so i drybrushed the cork with Model Color Grey Green and the rest of the base, including the skulls with Model Color Flat Earth. the base was then washed with a 50/50 mix of Agrax Earthshade to water to tie all the colours together a bit.

The skulls were then drybrushed Game Air Dead Flesh followed by Dead white


Frozen wastes bases

Step 6

Once the paint had dried i took some grass from the Army Painter Battlefields Frozen tuft and stuck them to the base. I like these as all its ready to go from the sheet. Just peel off and stick to the base

Step 7

Give the tufts some time to stick down and then the fun part. Time for it to snow. I used a small modelling tool with a flat spatula to apply the snow. The more this is pushed around the base the better the effect. Take small lumps of the snow and work it around the base. The thinner the snow gets the more melted it looks i find. Bush it over the tops of the skulls and the tops of the tufts.

Then give it hour or so to dry and then paint the rim of the base

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